SmartFootprint™ SOLUTIONS  

SmartFootprint™ provides an easy to use simulation environment that supports sound decision-making with regard to planning, siting, routing, cost analysis, and risk mitigation; essentially putting advanced tools into the hands of decision makers at all levels of management.


GIS-Enabled Archaeology

Earth Analytic is distinguished by our depth of experience in an array of earth science and archaeological studies.  We develop, implement and support GIS/GPS systems customized to archaeological and historical investigation, three-dimensional models of artifact distribution and stratigraphy, archaeological database management design and implementation, and modeling of prehistoric landscapes.

GIS-Enabled Ski Area Management

EAI provides ski areas with an integrated mapping spatial data management and analysis solutions for multiple ski area departments. These solutions entail hands-on training, terrain analysis, and GIS online web application development. Ski area solutions leverage 3D visualization using the robust capabilities of the new ArcGIS Pro desktop application.


Taos Ski Valley Area

EAI provided Taos Ski Valley (TSV) with the design and implementation of a foundational Geographic Information System (GIS) for the TSV Skier Safety Program.



The routing capabilities of SmartFootprint™ are ideal for managing and construction of public utilities.

New Mexico’s Santa Fe County


SmartFootprint™’s flexible decision-making tools can be applied to a variety of conservation and planning efforts.